The Environmental Crime Prevention Program (E.C.P .P .) concluded its Fourth lntergovernmental Plenary held November 15th and 16th, 2000 at the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2 HQ, Federal Building 290 Broadway, New York, New York, U.S. of A. The Conference was organised in an introductory Symposium on "Combating international Eco-Crime in a global economy: The use of technologies and information management to monitor compliance with international agreements, prosecute environmental crime and reform environmental law and trade " -at the New York University -Law School and an intergovernmental meeting at the US EPA. An E.C.P .P. IV Plenary session at the Interpol IV Internationa1 Conference on Environmenta1 Crime at Interpol HQ in Lyon (France) for enforcement officials was concluded on the day 17th. The meetings have been transmitted on the Website of the Virtual Private Network of the E. C.P .P. using video streaming.
-Considering the indications from the E.C.P .P. Presidency, regarding the organisation of the meetings and the agenda (co-President Joao Alves Monteiro, v. Minister of Justice Republic of Angola, Prot. 1486/GAB. VMJ/2000).
-Noting that a number of countries have fulfilled a Questionnaire as prepared by the E.C.P.P. Secretariat (related to governmental priorities, intemational organisation measures, E.C.P.P. policy and organisation, amendments of the E.C.P .P. statute, Presidency, Secretariat, Operations, potential and limits ofthe E.C.P.P.).
-Considering the indications from the supporting Countries to the IV Plenary (listed in attachment), received during the III intergovernmental Mandate.
-Considering the support from the members of United Nations Programmes and Agencies or other intergovernmental organisation which have been signed MOUs or agreements with the E.C.P.P.
-Considering the declarations of Governmental delegations to the IV E.C.P .P. Conference (listed in attachment) and the electronic messages sent to the E.C.P .P. from Conference participants on the Virtual Private Network -Infranet.
-The participants of the IV Environmental Crime Prevention Programme Conference, under the Chairmanship of H.E. The Minister Toni Popovski (FYR Macedonia) have discussed the points in agenda and deliberated as follows.
1. The approval of the report of the Presidency and the Secretariat during the III intergovernmental mandate, focused on a) the strategic agreements with academia, private bodies, IGOs, research Institutes, b) bilateral relations c) Operations, d) the IV Presidency, e) the New Models (Infranet and financing) and f) the IV plenary agenda.
2. The appointment of the Assistant Administrator, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance of the United States Environmenta1 Protection Agency, Mr. Steven A. Herman, and the Minister of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection of Romania, H.E. Mr. Romica Tomescu (as represented by the Director General of the Ministry Mrs Liliana Mara) as co-Presidents pro-tempore of the E.C.P.P. during the IV intergovernmental mandate (December 2000- December 2002), with special reference to the articles 5, 9, 14, 16, 19, 24, 28, 29 of the E.C.P.P. Statute signed in San Francisco on the 1st July 1997 and approved in Bogota ' on 10th May 1998 and more generally in accordance with the general principles of the Statute itself.
3. The approval of the nomination by the two elected Presidents of the Secretary Genera1 of the E.C.P.P. during its IV intergovemmental mandate (December 2000 -December 2002): Prof. Mario Scaramella (Ita1y).
4. The approval of the nomination by the competent parties of the President of the High Technology Working Group -Assistant Secretary Genera1: Prof. Perikles Papadopoulos (USA) and the approval of the nomination by the competent parties of the President of the Legal Working Group -Assistant Secretary General: Mr. Michael J. Penders (USA).
5. The approva1 of the nomination by the Secretary General of the special assistants: Dr. John Graham Taylor (United Kingdom), Mr. Christian Trentolà (France), Mr. Phillip Marino (Germany).
6. The approva1 of a modification of the Statute, upon LWG recommendation, regarding the final clause on page 11 of the Statute itself (substitution of the words "tenth instrument" reported in the 4th line of the final clause, to the words "at least five instruments").
7 .The Opening of the procedures of ratification of the Statute and the acknowledgement of the formal communications by interested parties about the ratification status in their countries. Ratification and Approva1s of the Statute will by deposited in care of the government of Angola and the Secretariat nominated depository during the III E.C.P.P. Plenary (Bogota', 1998).
8. The Approval of the MOUs defined by the Secretariat with United Nations Environment Program SBC, InterpoI/ICPO, UN Intermational Maritime Organisation and other IGOs.
9. The establishment of a liaison office between INTERPOL/ICPO and the E.C.P.P. in care of the Secretariat, for the compliance ofthe defined MOU between the two organisations.
10. The acknowledgment of the MOU defined with TeIespazio spa for the management of the E.C.P.P., EnvironmentaI Security Desk at the Fucino Space Centre and the approval of the nomination of the co-Director of the Desk: Eng. Luigi Alberto Ciavoli CorteIli and the establishment ofan Environmental Security Pole in the town of Sorrento, NapIes, Italy.
11. The issuing of a mandate to the E.C.P.P. Secretary General to develop multi-lateral measures for the establishment, in cooperation with the United Nations, of a World EnvironmentaI Security Organisation concentrating on research development in the following identified priority areas:
· Environmental terrorism and related issues (ecoviolence, environmental security of critical infrastructures etc.).
· Nuclear, Chemical and other waste trafficking and dumping.
· Effects on the environment of illegal drug cultivation and processing.
· Corruption of high-level public Officials in charge of environmental protection.
· Protection of cultural heritage and natural protected areas. With special reference to Economic ewaluation of ecological damage resulting from environmental crimes and related strategies.
· Research and application of the role of high-technology in combating environmental crimes.
· Role of military, police, intelligence services, and the judiciary in enforcement of Environmental legal policy.
12. The confirmation of a special authorisation for the E.C.P.P. Secretariat to develop advanced, research instruments and tools for operative emergency intervention specially focused upon waste management.
13. The approval of specific projects in environmental crime and environmental security sectors in the regional area of the Balkans with special reference to the territory of the Former Yugoslavia, in the Mediterranean area, in the Caribbean and in CentraI Asia.
Signed this day 27th November 2000 in New York
The Chairman of the Meeting
H.E. The Minister ofthe Environment, FY RepubIic of Macedonia
Mr. Toni Popovski
The Secretary-General of the E.C.P.P.
Prof. Mario Scaramella
The President HTWG / Assistant SG The President LWG / Assistant SG
Prof. Perikles Papadopoulos Mr. Michael J. Penders
The President IV Mandate
(In acceptance of appointment)
The Assistant Administrator United States
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, USA
Mr. Steven A. Herman H.E. The Minister of Waters, Forests and Environmental Protection of Romania
Mr. Romica Tomescu
(represented by the General Director of the Ministry, Mrs. Liliana Mara)
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